"I will speak nothing but the truth as I know it to be, and will endeavour to bring light and knowledge to any who wish to receive it…"

Posts tagged “change


“… like a pin on a map, each choice is the start of the next direction, the next journey we must take… Do not spend your life looking back at the pins, look to where the next pin will be, and imagine it into the now.”

Hello. My name is Wu Chen, many of you know me already from these writings. To those who are new to this, welcome, I am glad to have the privilege of your readership. We haven’t written for some time, things have been moving along at a rapid pace, for all of us on planet earth right now, and as above, so below; the whole universe is in a state of constant change, ever moving, ever progressing.

Every dimension feels it, the change that is upon us; like a web, no movement can happen silently, the reverberation is felt across time and space, no matter how small, or insignificant the action. We are all linked, with every fibre of our being, every molecule – we are all as one, in our own way. What we choose to do with this, how we choose to act, is up to us, we are here to make our own choices, to make of our lives what we will and no choice is a wrong choice, not good or bad – it is more like a pin on a map, each choice is the start of the next direction, the next journey we must take.

Do not spend your life looking back at the pins, look to where the next pin will be, and imagine it into the now. Where do you want to be? What do you want to do? The choice is now, we are in a time of action, of precipices – will you run, will you jump, will you pull back in fear, or fly in the wind? The ball is rolling, have no fear of that, two worlds colliding – not quite so, but many worlds becoming closer, interlinked, barriers dropping, realities blending, becoming ever closer.

For those with heightened awareness you are already noticing the changes, seeing the impossible, hearing, sensing, feeling more. And for everyone else, the world is becoming a scarier place – no longer are you sheltered, no longer can you believe that nothing exists, that fairy stories are just that – you too are sensing things, is there one person you know who has not had some sort of experience that they cannot explain? However small…

We are all moving, time is moving, shifts and divides, rearrangements, like tides crashing against rocks – some movements are seamless, gliding into place, and other changes tear like a rocket through the sky – sudden epiphanies, sudden realisations, the understanding that something is inexorably wrong, and a clear vision of what is right.

Or fog, for many right now there is fog, and the search for the lantern, the one that says come this way, you are safe, I will light the path, you are no longer in danger, I have come to rescue you. There is an uneasiness, impatience, with life right now, a feeling of being uprooted, insecure, of mixed emotions, of being torn, finding blurs between right action and timeliness, of need and of desire, from the core of our being, as our hearts cry out in expansion, as focus moves to this area, as all across the world hearts cry out to one another for a universe based in love, compassion, surety.

No more will heads rule the day – there is sense in balance, in perspective, in intelligence, but now is the time of the heart, to surge though bringing light and healing to all aspects of our lives. Old wounds must be healed, past contrivances laid to rest. We must forgive, especially ourselves, and allow ourselves to be filled with healing. Then and only then, can balance come, and new beginnings begin. Without this we are torn apart – times are changing, and if we cannot change then it hurts – the very fabric of the universe is shifting around us, how can we stand still, dogged, determined, willing no change to happen? It will happen, like it or not, better to choose your direction than fight the tide. Be master of your own destiny.

What is it you have always wanted? What do you really want to do? Ask inside – what is it I really came here for, what is my purpose, what does my heart tell me? Find the answers, they are not hidden, just unlooked for. Then choose your way, and understand this – the universe will work with you, change is happening all around you, once you decide your path, find your way, your lantern – then the universe will pick you up in its current and carry you along – no more will each day be a struggle. But choose nothing, choose not to change, not to listen to the earth and her calling? Then for how long can you fight, how long can you stand firm when all around you moves?

The choice of course, is yours, but there are times when the best advice I can give is to relax, to choose, to visualise, to feel the future that you want – now is the time to shape it, to bring it into reality – all the buses in the world are going to every destination possible – which one will you get on – some even have journeys outside of this world, and for some that will be their choice. Free will is what makes us human; choice is what makes our time here worthwhile.

Even for those who chose a restful life this time, a deserved period of relaxation, movement is still happening, if in a calmer way. But for most of us, we chose to come here at this time, to be part of the changes, to give ourselves these lessons, these hardships, these opportunities for choice and to challenge ourselves to be the change, to take the leap, to move humankind on in its development. And that was never going to be easy. But we knew that, before we came. We said ‘Yes! We can do this, I am strong, I am healed, I am me!’ and then we return here and our resolve is gone, we forget our strength, we forget the whole wide world of spirit, our friends, our companions, our guides, we forget that we are not alone, and we sit and feel sorry for ourselves – ‘it’s too much, I can’t, I don’t know what to do, what did I do to deserve this!!’

Just ask, just ask for our help – we too chose to come here as part of the change, to guide you, to be with you, to help clear your path when needed, or to place obstacles where you had prior agreed. We too agreed to be here in this time – it is difficult for us too, to see the pain and the indecision, the suffering of heart and dilemma of head, we want so much to call out to you, to say – we are here, we are with you, talk to us, we are doing all we can… but with your connection, your intent, we can do so much more!

That decision must be yours, we cannot just intrude, but we do all we can to be there, to give clues, to drop hints, to shape your world as you want it to be. You sit there and think just how much you need a friend right now, and then the phone rings – someone you haven’t heard from in a long time, and as it turns out, just who you needed to talk to. You have a dream, and suddenly an answer is clear. You read a book, and the words stick in your head, carried with you, reassuring you in the tough day ahead – all these things, and many many more, are our little works, small signs, but clear, true – we are here, we are helping.

Let us help now in this time of change – show us what you want – see it, feel it, with your heart, not just your head, and we will help to make the adjustments, to see the next pin placed well on the map, to see things come into line for you – the choice is yours, the assistance ours.

The universe shouts out to all of us, the changes on earth are not unique, but are strong, and much attention is drawn. The frequency of visits has increased, of visitors and onlookers, all waiting to see how we will fare, what decisions we will make. Planets have come and gone before, species have lived and died, life forms have evolved. In the grand scheme of things, we are just going through a stage of evolution, a small, yet interesting step forward. Who knows what the future will hold – no really, who knows? – for now nothing is certain, it is in our hands, each individual one of us has responsibility, and once we make our own choices, we will see everything come together as a whole.

It is time to clean up, sweep out the attic – in every sense, take what you need and move on, move up, move out – whatever is right for you, but leave the excess behind, the past behind, the doubts and the fears – take only the good and the light and they are your building blocks / stepping stones for / to the future – see it and step onto your path, we will be with you every step of the way.

Do not fear, make your choice and allow it to happen, state is out loud, then sit back and wait for the signs, then follow with surety – asking for more information along the way – you will get it. Trust yourself, trust your instincts, and know yourself. The truth is out there for all to find, know yours, be it with every breath, and you will find a depth you never dreamed of – life, love, meaning, connection, and a heightened awareness that you can’t help but build on.

Now, and only now, will you truly step into the real you, the true you – if you choose to do so – give intention for the inner you, the higher you to come in, to help you even as we do, and feel the life force, the energy, the love fill you and wrap around you, assuring you of your forgotten strength, your forgotten confidence – you can, and you will succeed in this life, this is but the first step of many amazing advances, so go for it child, if you can, go for it and welcome the changes, the love, the life – your life, your truth, your self.

A Future of Change

“It is yours, take it, embrace it, make friends with it, and take your first steps into a future of joy, of light, and of change.”

 Today I would like to talk about Love. Not love in the traditional sense, not love between couples, not sex, not even the love that we have for our children or relatives. Love is so much more than that, it is all around us, it is the essence of all living things, and ‘all living things’ covers a great deal more than most of us realise

Love is whole, love is the air that we breathe and the ground that we walk on. How so? Because love is the living spirit that flows through every particle of the universe. Love is the unexplained, love has not yet been defined by scientists, yet love is the key to unlocking those secrets of the universe. A new perspective, a new way of looking at things, the undefinable is not so, but nor is it definable in the mathematical terms that you seek to constrain it with.

Look beyond the pale, beyond the edge of the known world, the truth is much closer than you think. It is like seeing something out of the corner of your eye – you glimpse it, but it doesn’t fit into the framework of what you’ve been taught, and so you dismiss it. But it was there, the answer was there all along.

Science has progressed, science and spirituality are now closer allies, truth is proven on a daily basis. But it is not out there, not revealed to the world, for the powers that be will not allow such freedom to be let loose. For what power would be left for politicians if there was no crime, no war, no poverty, no illness… if people could truly speak their truth, live it, breathe it, be it.

Love, love is why we exist, and in love we thrive. Politicians, rulers, leaders, with the exception of a very few, believe the way forward to be with guns, with money, with possession and control. Who has the most oil? Who has the most money? Who rules by terror and therefore by power? Who has the appearance of benevolence and generosity but in actual fact desires gold, not truth? And these are not always politicians, nor the faces we see on television, very often they are behind the scenes, controls so deep we will never be aware of them.

Power is old and power is infectious – be it good or bad, and they know this. Give the people truth and you give them power, power of self-expression, power of self-development, power of creativity and hope – power to change the world. You see, they see it as a threat, love is a threat to them. A peaceful, confident world, where people love and people laugh, where they follow their dreams in harmony with one another, where help and healing are abundant – they see no place for themselves in this world, they do not realise they can be part of it, that they too can be happy. The realisation that love is the eternal spark within us all brings joy so overwhelming, so filled with possibilities, that darkness is banished forever.

It is time now, for change. The world is no longer what it was, energies are moving, the earth is awakening, and as she moves into a new phase of life you will find that you too can change. Opportunities are now arising, everything is changing, and yet for those with their eyes closed they will see nothing, no difference. Open your eyes to love, to the greatest power in the universe, it is all around you – breathe it in, breathe it out, share it, live it, be it, join hands with others and sing it, for change is upon us and love is the key to transformation. A new you, a happy you, a you that blends with the universal energy that knows you are a part of it, and with deep respect and deep, cleansing power go out into the world as the vanguard, the very front of this new campaign. Lead the world through these changes with love, and your own progress will be manifold.

‘It is too much!’ you might say, ‘It is too simple!’ or ‘That’s it? Just love?’ But what does love mean, in essence, is it so simple? It requires a change in consciousness, of perspective and of discipline, that is all. To know you are spirit, eternal and bright, to know you are love, and to get rid of ego – remove yourself, your ‘lower’ self, from the equation. Do not live as ‘so and so’ from 46 blah blah street, live as the eternal spirit that you truly are, who currently happens to be sporting the appearance of ‘so and so’ and living at that certain address.

Look at what you do – is it truly from love? Or from ego? Do you compliment a friend out of genuine positive affection, to heal their worries and boost their confidence? Or truly, deep down, admitting everything, is it out of desire or need to be loved, to have them like you, to perhaps reply in kind? Look at yourself, deep within yourself, even those far down the spiritual path get caught out, we have our ‘off days’, we act out of ego, then catch ourselves and curse that we have not progressed as far as we might like.

Humility, genuine humility, not the nonsensical faked humility of those lacking self-esteem, who only want to hear you flatter again and again – genuine humility and surrender to love – that is a wonderful thing. It brings with it its own gifts, its own empowerment, strength, confidence, your life changes in unexpected ways – you welcome the future, you take an interest in your life path, you work for others, and never, ever have you felt better, for love flows around you and through you and suddenly you see with new eyes and wish you’d known what you know now, many years ago. But that wouldn’t have worked, each of us comes to our truth in our own time, when we are ready, when we have learned the lessons that we needed to make us ready – whether that be ‘the last straw’ in a relationship, or perhaps a stable job, or a new found truth – whatever brought us to that point was necessary, and now love will take us on from here.

Do you understand? It is a radical concept for many – the world did not used to be like this, in ancient times much more was known, on some levels, of truth and love, and yet we have evolved, and will continue to do so. So why act? Why do anything? Why open yourselves up to love at all? Because in not doing so you are missing an opportunity. The world is full of love for any who wish to reach out and receive it, it requires no effort, only intention, intention to change, intention to receive, and it will be yours. What you do with it is up to you.

You will feel the change within yourself. You will view things with wider eyes, you will feel compassion, and you will have help. The world is there for you, in humanity, in animals, in plants, and in spirit – in many, many dimensions, and in so many ways, and ask – just ask – to receive that energy, that love, and you will not be disappointed. Your life will change, and you must work at it, love is a constant, but ego, family, society, workplace all may conspire to put you back where you were, to make you doubt, to make you falter in your footsteps, to say ‘Oh no, you’re right, what a silly idea, I’m no-one, I’m worthless, might as well get used to it, nothing I can do’.

But you can’t forget a truth, deep down inside, once you recognise love, recognise the eternal spirit that is you, recognise the energy of every living thing in the world – then you have a choice. Do you believe in yourself, in your truth, enough to press on, to be the vanguard in a new world? Or do you decide to turn your back on the light and concentrate on the material? It is up to you, and no-one will think badly of your decision, except perhaps yourself – you are your only judge, and jury, and even executioner! But free will is yours, always, and no-one can decide for you.

And if you don’t choose the light now? Well then it will come in another lifetime, when you feel more ready. Do not worry – as I said, love is a constant, it is always there, it is the energy that makes up the universe, it will not turn its back on you under any circumstances. For those who choose this path now, there is much work to be done, the world is in turmoil, and even the politicians do not see a way out, they dig bigger and bigger ditches for themselves. And even those who see, who embrace the light, are outnumbered and it is so very difficult for them to bring about the changes that are so necessary.

Start with love and love will guide you, you will find your place in this world, the reason you came here, and the work you must do. Know your truth and have courage to live it, ask the world to support you with her energy and love – ask the universe in all its dimensions! See love coming to you, embracing you, and you will find that it works with you, lifts you up, opens doors, lights new paths. And all you need to do? Intention – ask for it, see it, commit to it, and you have the power to bring it into your life. It is yours, take it, embrace it, make friends with it, and take your first steps into a future of joy, of light and of change.

Change Can Happen

“The world is out of balance, the scales tipped on the side of fear, and it must seem that there is no solution, no future but eventual destruction. But remember! To think like that is to bring it about!…”

Today I would like to talk about the countryside, the importance of nature, and all things in it. The trees, the canopies of life, teeming with birds and insects are our allies, our protectors – and yet we cut them down and strip away this gift, this balance. We do not understand it, we do not know what a wonderful thing we have here – not so on other planets, where life can be a much harder thing, without the beauty, the variety that we are so blessed with. We are unique in our current blessings, no other planet is quite like ours, and yet we seek to destroy it.

Why, oh why is this done? Why are the human race so bent on destroying their very means of life, of happiness? And with it countless species that we could learn so much from. I will tell you. It is not out of hatred, but out of fear, fear of life itself, fear of love, fear of death. And by so surrounding yourselves with fear, by spreading it on the TV, the internet, by creating mass panic – so you draw into yourselves the very things you fear most  –  you create them through your fear of them. Oh, the irony of it all!

If only you could see what it is that you do, this world could be a happy place for all who live in it, all forms of life – a balance would be created just by that knowledge, a new perspective, a new planet, a new way of life – it’s that simple.

In my time, I looked out on the world, and saw many problems. I also saw many paths, many opportunities, many possibilities for mankind. I had a peaceful life, I saw war, but it passed and lessons were learned, balance was restored. In other lives I saw hardship, I saw pain, I saw terror, but always I saw love, and learning, and growth. There has always seemed to be balance, reason, logic even – difficult times help us to grow, and ultimately to love.

To walk in the countryside is to find that balance, to breathe that air, to feel the wonder of nature, the kiss of the sun, the song of the birds, the touch of tiny insects on your skin, the roughness of bark under your fingertips, the squelch of mud by the running stream. Our hearts sing when we experience these things, for we are connecting with spirit, with all living things, with the lifeforce that sustains us all – ultimately we are connecting with love, and we go away transformed, dancing with light, and spreading this golden glow to affect all we meet.

This is the ripple effect that I have spoken of before, just that one transformation, one good day, one good moment, and your golden light ripples out to all around you. Your actions, your efforts, are never just about you. Everything, everyone, is inter-connected, even the earth and the trees – we are all energy, we are all life, and we all affect each other. For example, take a plant to an unhappy environment and it will die, suffocated by the energy – it is not immune. But take yourself to a happy place, full of trees and golden light, and you will thrive, suffused by the energy around you, freely given, by the plants, the animals, the trees. And yet you would take this away? Deny yourselves the opportunity to heal, to be happy, why? Because fear spreads in this same way – all energy is transferable – and like is attracted to like.

The more fear a person has, the more they attract, and the more they spread it around. Have you ever noticed how a negative person is more than happy to tell you their woes, to see everything as doom and gloom – they can no longer see sunlight as a good thing, it merely suggests that rain is on the way. We all know people like that, doomsayers, and yet what they actually do is bring this upon themselves – and then their beliefs are strengthened, and an ongoing cycle ensues.

And yet this is not what these people really want, it is not what any spirit wants, not really, it is a cry for help, a desperate longing for that sunshine, for that birdsong, for healing, for happiness, for balance and harmony. They do not want to spread fear and loneliness, most don’t even realise that they are doing it – even the politicians believe they are sending out messages of strength and hope – but what is hope when it comes from fear? It is a falsehood, it is a veneer of light over a well of darkness. No true goodness ever came from war, from power, from harm to anything or anybody, however ‘just’ the cause.

The world is out of balance, the scales tipped on the side of fear, and it must seem that there is no solution, no future but eventual destruction. But remember! To think like that is to bring it about! Oh, how wonderful it would be if every person on the earth could just sit under their own tree for twenty minutes, in the sunshine, and contemplate their existence. What a shift in humanity there would be, a shift in thought, in consciousness. Twenty minutes for the earth to speak, to tell her truth, for she is consciousness also. Twenty minutes to listen, to know, to understand, to hope.

Remember the ripple effect. One person can sit under one tree, and start a ripple. Change can begin with one person, and whoever you are reading this, you know that person is you. We are light workers – all who read this can effect change, can bring about a tide of hope, a wave of light to the shores of darkness, a glimmer, a sparkle, a thought. It takes very little to shine a light for those who fear – do not blind them with it, do not force the light upon them – for they will hide. Gently shine, and allow their hearts to open to light in their own time. Be it, feel it, and gradually you will see the difference you make.

Each of us, if we stand up and shine around the world, it will be like a network of lights going on – there are but a few at the moment – add yours and watch as lights around you begin to glow. All around the world there are those of you standing up to fear, instead showing love and compassion, and there are many, many more of us in spirit waiting to help you. You know who you are, reach out to one another, connect the dots, combine your lights – now can you see how to help, where the hope is? A streetlight shines on many houses, many streetlights light a town – be the streetlight, still, tall, a light in the darkness – and as each light comes on, so does another, and another, and eventually you will light-up the whole world. Do you see? It’s all possible, it takes very little effort, just intention, intention to shine, to be the golden energy, the sunshine for those who cannot get out and sit under that tree.

We must fight to preserve our countryside, our earth, for it is beautiful, and it is our lifeforce, but this starts with a change in perspective, the shift from fear to understanding, the desire to manifest love into our lives, and harmony and balance. And this shift begins with you, and if you need energy, to create your ripple, then spend those twenty minutes under that tree, and the life around you will give you that energy, it is a gift, for you to share with the world, the ability to quietly shine, and inspire others to find their own way, their own tree. Change can happen and it starts with you.