"I will speak nothing but the truth as I know it to be, and will endeavour to bring light and knowledge to any who wish to receive it…"

Posts tagged “mediumship

Welcome World!

“…No more would lies rule, or terror, or fear, for each of you alone would know your own truth, and together you would unite in such love, that the world would be transformed.”

Today, I would like to talk to you about channeling, as it is known in some places. It has many other names, and has been a source of inspiration to humans since the dawn of time. It is not easy, to give up your mind and let another speak, or give up your mouth and let another talk, or even your feet and let another take the steps. All forms of channeling require surrender, and silence. And as my medium is learning, this is no easy thing. Your lives are so cluttered, so full of television and radio, internet and magazines, so full of information, overflowing wherever you look, and most of it pointless, useless, derogatory, meaningless, and yet we cling on to it as hope, we do not wish to seek for ourselves, inspire ourselves, find our own answers, or own truths.

We say ‘Hey! Someone else could do this for us, so we can relax and spend time on other things, like Facebook.’ Yet never was there greater need for people to seek their own answers, to identify their own truths – people have lost their way, and no longer know up from down, right from wrong, truth from lies. You no longer know what is meaningful in your own lives, what is fulfilling, what will sustain you in your darkest hour. It is not You Tube that will save you in a crisis, it will not lift you up off your knees and put you back on your feet, nor dry your tears and hold your chin up, brave to face the world again.

These wonders of technology are just that – wonders of technology! They are not Who You Are, they are not your life-blood – and Yes, they have their uses, for sharing information, for spreading joy, for connecting with loved ones, I can see that. But how often are they used for this? For truly good intentions to shine, for light to spread across the world? Not nearly enough, my friends, not nearly enough.

People don’t know who they are any more, and are scared to find out. The future scares them, the truth scares them – and yet you are beautiful! All wondrous souls who came here with a purpose to fulfil, a dream to make true, and reason for being. What a disaster when you get to the end and remember, and realise ‘Oh! If only I had been more aware, I would have seen all those chances, have heard all those messages, have seen all those signs. I would have opened that door, taken that opportunity – if only I’d known I could do that, if only I had taken the time to remember, if only I had found a way, and asked for help – I was blinkered! And now I see.’

For we try, my friends, we try in so many ways to get through to you, to help without interference, to leave clues, to sing songs, to comfort, and to advise. For you all have help around you, in the form of spirit guides, angels, loved ones and friends. We are all here, for each of you, not one person, however ‘bad’, is on their own in the world. But we cannot interfere, or jump in and save you – your choices must be your own, free will is paramount, your life if YOURS, we are the gospels of truth, but we are not truth itself – that is yours and yours alone – you create it, you make it, you live it. We will aid you in every way we can, especially when asked, but we cannot do it for you.

And so we are back to channeling, in all its forms. Since man could write he has put down the words spoken to him by God, by spirit, by fairies, by other species on other planets – whatever the belief system, the understanding, spirit has still found a way to get through and to advise – and why not! We have lived on this earth, we remember how difficult it can be, we have experienced it ourselves, enough times to now advise you. We are your friends, and often times you have shared lives with us. We are incarnate no longer as we can do better work from here, where we remember, where we know all that is pertinent about you, where we are best placed to help.

And so, over time, people have sought us out, as well as lower entities, lost spirits, malevolent beings, on purpose or by accident, for there are as many on our side that need help as on yours, and we give it. And sometimes people choose to channel these beings, to the chagrin of their friends and family, and can quite transform themselves in horrifying ways. But that is their choice, and for the most part people wish only to have light in their lives, to work with love, and with goodness, towards a happier, more informed future.

There are those who dedicate their lives to ‘rescues’, healing those who are down, who are stuck, who are afraid, and this is worthy work, with much help available, as care must be taken. The light in you must always be stronger than the dark in them. And this is where the hard work comes in. Everyone can channel, but everyone must work at it, there are few to whom it comes easily. And what do I mean by channel? It is a broad term, and often over-used. Really I mean connection, listening, hearing information, and acting upon it. This may be in dreams, or signs we bring to you, such as meaningful songs, hints about diet, or a book that suddenly and transformatively comes into your life. I also mean hearing, as my medium hears me, or seeing, sensing – so many of you sense us, but dismiss it – your world tells you we don’t exist and so you take that as your truth.

Experience, it is all about experiencing, learning, experiencing more, and building your own truth. In extreme cases we are lucky enough to speak through a medium, to convey our thoughts directly to you, and this is a joy and a wonder – a direct way to help you, and we love this. Our purpose, our agreement with you for this lifetime, is to help, in any way we can, not always as you expect, as we see more than you can, but ask for help and you will always get it, and work hard and you will also feel it, see it, hear it – you are all mediums if you wish to be. And what is a medium? A person who works with their guides, guardians and friends to bring joy and understanding to the world, for the betterment of their own life, and those around them. Someone who seeks their own truth, and helps others find theirs, someone who raises awareness, who listens, who learns, who asks for advice, and then heeds it.

All of you can do this, all of you can channel, if you wish to put the work in. It is not hard, it just takes great intent, desire, a true wish to learn this way. Whom do you wish to put your faith in? The internet chatter of those who for the most part are self-serving, doom-mongering, feeding fear to the masses – or your friends, who have known you for such a very long time, who live in light, who can see your possibilities, your potential, who organise daily, to bring into your life that which you have wished for – the circumstances from which you wished to learn in this life, the goals which you wished to achieve – the new changes you are making, the joys of the opportunities which can be yours if you intend them, if you ask, if you open the door and say ‘Welcome World! I knew you were out there, come to me and I will make the best of you, with help, and I will not go home empty handed, I will not have had a life of nothing – my heart will be full of light and love, and experience and truth!’

Ask, just ask, make the intent, find a little time to turn off the telly, switch off the phone, think about why you are here, and open your heart to the possibility that is us, your friends, your guides, your helpers. Open the airwaves, tune in to the channel, listen, learn, ask questions – and in your sleep and your waking day you will start to receive answers. And have confidence, don’t give up, you will doubt yourself at first, but it will happen, with time and intent, and You will find Your Truth, through your very own experience, and it will guide you like a torch in the darkness, it will never let you down, it will change your life.

You are all channels, you just don’t realise it, but oh what a wonderful world this would be if you did. No more would lies rule, or terror, or fear, for each of you alone would know your own truth, and together you would unite in such love, that the world would be transformed. We know why you came here, we know how to help you, we wish only to help you discover that, to stop asking ‘Why? Why am I here? For what purpose? Life makes no sense!’ And you will know, and the fear will be gone.

Find your own way, do not let anyone tell you that their truth is your truth, for that just cannot be – this life is a precious gift, do not shun it, do not turn away, do not be afraid – embrace it and you will find a new way of living, a new way of loving, and the world will be yours to discover, and yours to share.

Just ask, my friends, just ask, and help will be there, ask for the light of knowledge, the light of truth, the light of love and friendship, the help of those you love, for they are around you always. And this is all the advice I have to give – the rest is up to you – it is, after all, your life, and your truth.

From one friend, through my medium, to you, with Love.