"I will speak nothing but the truth as I know it to be, and will endeavour to bring light and knowledge to any who wish to receive it…"

Posts tagged “balance

Change Can Happen

“The world is out of balance, the scales tipped on the side of fear, and it must seem that there is no solution, no future but eventual destruction. But remember! To think like that is to bring it about!…”

Today I would like to talk about the countryside, the importance of nature, and all things in it. The trees, the canopies of life, teeming with birds and insects are our allies, our protectors – and yet we cut them down and strip away this gift, this balance. We do not understand it, we do not know what a wonderful thing we have here – not so on other planets, where life can be a much harder thing, without the beauty, the variety that we are so blessed with. We are unique in our current blessings, no other planet is quite like ours, and yet we seek to destroy it.

Why, oh why is this done? Why are the human race so bent on destroying their very means of life, of happiness? And with it countless species that we could learn so much from. I will tell you. It is not out of hatred, but out of fear, fear of life itself, fear of love, fear of death. And by so surrounding yourselves with fear, by spreading it on the TV, the internet, by creating mass panic – so you draw into yourselves the very things you fear most  –  you create them through your fear of them. Oh, the irony of it all!

If only you could see what it is that you do, this world could be a happy place for all who live in it, all forms of life – a balance would be created just by that knowledge, a new perspective, a new planet, a new way of life – it’s that simple.

In my time, I looked out on the world, and saw many problems. I also saw many paths, many opportunities, many possibilities for mankind. I had a peaceful life, I saw war, but it passed and lessons were learned, balance was restored. In other lives I saw hardship, I saw pain, I saw terror, but always I saw love, and learning, and growth. There has always seemed to be balance, reason, logic even – difficult times help us to grow, and ultimately to love.

To walk in the countryside is to find that balance, to breathe that air, to feel the wonder of nature, the kiss of the sun, the song of the birds, the touch of tiny insects on your skin, the roughness of bark under your fingertips, the squelch of mud by the running stream. Our hearts sing when we experience these things, for we are connecting with spirit, with all living things, with the lifeforce that sustains us all – ultimately we are connecting with love, and we go away transformed, dancing with light, and spreading this golden glow to affect all we meet.

This is the ripple effect that I have spoken of before, just that one transformation, one good day, one good moment, and your golden light ripples out to all around you. Your actions, your efforts, are never just about you. Everything, everyone, is inter-connected, even the earth and the trees – we are all energy, we are all life, and we all affect each other. For example, take a plant to an unhappy environment and it will die, suffocated by the energy – it is not immune. But take yourself to a happy place, full of trees and golden light, and you will thrive, suffused by the energy around you, freely given, by the plants, the animals, the trees. And yet you would take this away? Deny yourselves the opportunity to heal, to be happy, why? Because fear spreads in this same way – all energy is transferable – and like is attracted to like.

The more fear a person has, the more they attract, and the more they spread it around. Have you ever noticed how a negative person is more than happy to tell you their woes, to see everything as doom and gloom – they can no longer see sunlight as a good thing, it merely suggests that rain is on the way. We all know people like that, doomsayers, and yet what they actually do is bring this upon themselves – and then their beliefs are strengthened, and an ongoing cycle ensues.

And yet this is not what these people really want, it is not what any spirit wants, not really, it is a cry for help, a desperate longing for that sunshine, for that birdsong, for healing, for happiness, for balance and harmony. They do not want to spread fear and loneliness, most don’t even realise that they are doing it – even the politicians believe they are sending out messages of strength and hope – but what is hope when it comes from fear? It is a falsehood, it is a veneer of light over a well of darkness. No true goodness ever came from war, from power, from harm to anything or anybody, however ‘just’ the cause.

The world is out of balance, the scales tipped on the side of fear, and it must seem that there is no solution, no future but eventual destruction. But remember! To think like that is to bring it about! Oh, how wonderful it would be if every person on the earth could just sit under their own tree for twenty minutes, in the sunshine, and contemplate their existence. What a shift in humanity there would be, a shift in thought, in consciousness. Twenty minutes for the earth to speak, to tell her truth, for she is consciousness also. Twenty minutes to listen, to know, to understand, to hope.

Remember the ripple effect. One person can sit under one tree, and start a ripple. Change can begin with one person, and whoever you are reading this, you know that person is you. We are light workers – all who read this can effect change, can bring about a tide of hope, a wave of light to the shores of darkness, a glimmer, a sparkle, a thought. It takes very little to shine a light for those who fear – do not blind them with it, do not force the light upon them – for they will hide. Gently shine, and allow their hearts to open to light in their own time. Be it, feel it, and gradually you will see the difference you make.

Each of us, if we stand up and shine around the world, it will be like a network of lights going on – there are but a few at the moment – add yours and watch as lights around you begin to glow. All around the world there are those of you standing up to fear, instead showing love and compassion, and there are many, many more of us in spirit waiting to help you. You know who you are, reach out to one another, connect the dots, combine your lights – now can you see how to help, where the hope is? A streetlight shines on many houses, many streetlights light a town – be the streetlight, still, tall, a light in the darkness – and as each light comes on, so does another, and another, and eventually you will light-up the whole world. Do you see? It’s all possible, it takes very little effort, just intention, intention to shine, to be the golden energy, the sunshine for those who cannot get out and sit under that tree.

We must fight to preserve our countryside, our earth, for it is beautiful, and it is our lifeforce, but this starts with a change in perspective, the shift from fear to understanding, the desire to manifest love into our lives, and harmony and balance. And this shift begins with you, and if you need energy, to create your ripple, then spend those twenty minutes under that tree, and the life around you will give you that energy, it is a gift, for you to share with the world, the ability to quietly shine, and inspire others to find their own way, their own tree. Change can happen and it starts with you.